그룹 소개
Anyone who want to have social, language & culture exchange, natural wellness life. For Balanced Functional, Smart, Pain-Free joyful Well being
예정된 이벤트(4+개)
모두 보기- Gangnam Social and Wellness meetupGangnam Health in Balance~ Near Exit 10 of Gangnam station, Seoul
We are going to have free talking in English or Korean and also with amazing wellness topics includes right functional postural wellness, Neuro-Functional balance, We also going to consult with interesting things, origin of bad posture and how to improve of Neuro-functional balance ability and for every age groups teenagers, youngsters and the elderly, It would be very exciting experience about real wellness life through amazing neuro-functional balance training.
and also we are dealing with what are causing back and neck, shoulder, disc etc problems related with bad postural habit and Must have items that we already get used to so how we can correct it into Balanced Neuro functional Pain-Free healthy joyful life!
You are not going to be regret of joining our meetup, It would be real great wellness info for you and your family, friends etc, also it helps to understand and enhance your total neuro-functional body balance.
AUS, U.S. licensed chiropractor, Pilates instructor, pedorthic & oil specialist, will be leading our meetup
** Notice for the participants in our meetup **
You have to do RSVP first , After your RSVP,
just feel free to call (02) 533-5124 or send message to kakao ID "coolfire1" for notification to confirm by 6 PM the day before of our meetup (friday), vice versa (Call or Kakao contact and then RSVP). Its mandatory for the proper process of meetup, we hope your understanding.** 오실 분들은 모임 전날(금요일까지) 오후 6시 까지 RSVP, 컨펌을 위해 전화 T. 02-533-5124 혹은 위의 카카오 아이디 coolfire1 로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 바꿔서 해도 상관 없습니다. 원만한 진행을 위해 반드시 참석 확인이 필요함을 양해 바라며 이점 꼭 참조해주시기 바랍니다. 컨펌을 하지 않는 경우 RSVP는 자동 취소 됩니다
Location(위치): Near at Gangnam subway exit 10, the Opposite side of tarr tarr desert shop, A bldg with GS25 Mart on the 1st floor 7F, 710 , Gangnam Health in Balance.
강남역 근처, 타르 타르 맞은편 빌딩, Gangnam Health in Balance.Speaks Korean and English. Have been volunteering with this meetup session since 2014 October~
We will be showing you how to do practical self evaluation of your posture and brain link functional neuro balance, and you can get some effective and easy ways of tips at your home or office environment. You are learning and doing some easy stretching and specific movement exe to make better balance and function. If you want a personal consultation,It also be possible afterward. yes surely its free for our members !!
Watch a brief video of our previous meetup. 이전 열렸던 우리의 밋업 비디오와 참고 기록 사이트, 아래를 보세요~
As your reference our archives : 참고 기록 사이트
You can find me very easily, When you just step into the our meetup place, you can see me soon.
Lets make our meetup joyful wonderful and informative together!!
- For the Proper Progress of our meetup, Please follow the notice -
** Mandatory Policy for the participants in our meetup **
You have to do RSVP, After your RSVP,
Just feel free to call : (02) 533-5124 or
Send to kakao ID: coolfire1for notification to confirm until 7 PM of previous meetup day (Friday 7 pm) and Vice versa. Its mandatory for the proper procedure, we hope your understanding.
Located at the Opposite side of tarr tarr, A bldg with GS25 Mart on the 1st floor 7F, 710, Health in Balance Gangnam, Seoul Korea south
** 오실 분들은 모임 전날(금요일까지) 오후 7:00시 까지 RSVP와 반드시 컨펌을 위해 꼭 전화 T. 02-533-5124
또는 위의 카카오 아이디로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 연락이 없는 경우 참석이 어려우니, 원만한 모임 진행을 위해 컨펌을 해주셔야 함을 양해 바라며 이점 꼭 참조해주시기 바랍니다~** 새롭게 기능 뉴로 트레이너 교육 유료 코스를 신설 하였으니 관심 있는 모든 분들의 참여를 환영하며 필라테스 요가 인스트럭터 이거나 치료사, 트레이너 분들의 참석도 환영합니다. 다양하고 좋은 모임이 되리라 봅니다.
** We made new Neuro-functional trainer course !
We welcome everyone who want to visit especially if you are a professional like yoga or pilates instructor or therapist or trainer whoever no problem, we always welcome your visit also! Its going to be a great versatile valuable meetup !