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Update #1: Kayaking the Potomac & Vietnamese Food !!!

From: Matt
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 12:29 AM
Hey Guys,

I think this trip will be massively fun -- I can't wait to get out on the water! Just some quick final details before we go:

0. Flat Water: We will be kayaking "Flat Water", i.e., no real currents to speak of. I've kayaked the Potomac before, it was easy for a beginner like me. The Potomac is really more of a creek that empties into what near DC is more like a narrow extension of Chesapeake Bay.

1. Parking: Parking is free in DC on the weekend, but you might want to come a little early to make sure you can find a spot. M Street is sometimes pretty busy, but there is also parking along K Street (under Whitehurst Freeway) and all around the area. There are also a number of garages in the area. There is a small pay parking lot right next door to Miss Saigon, three garages are on Thomas Jefferson Street between M Street and the waterfront to the south, two parking garages are located between M and K streets on Wisconsin Avenue, and I saw what looked like public garages along K street between Jack's Boathouse and Thomas Jefferson Street.

2. Weather: The chance for rain is not zero, but it is small. You might want to bring an umbrella/etc. in case of a brief shower.

3. What to bring: Jack's sells water/soda, but you might want to bring some bottled water. It will be pretty late in the day, but probably sunscreen would still be a good idea.

4. Metro: The closest metro stop is Foggy Bottom-GWU. I once walked to another restaurant (Mie N Yu) from this metro stop that was farther away than Miss Saigon. It was a bit of a hike, but doable.

Well, that's about it. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday!

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