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Frozen Fury & Hockey Pick-up Games

From: Bethalyn
Sent on: Thursday, August 29, 2013, 11:10 PM

Hello Members!

I hope to see some of you in a couple of weeks at Hockey Fest!  

Frozen Fury is one month away.

I still have a few tickets left, if anyone needs some.  We have group tickets which provides you with one ticket to each of the two games.  Here's what I've got left:

3 Tickets - Lower Level: $159 each (Reg $182- one ticket for both games)

2 Tickets - Upper Level: $59 each (Reg. $72- one ticket for both games)

Pick-Up Hockey:

The Culver City Ice Hockey Group has invited members of our meetup to play with them in pick-up games.  If you play ice hockey, please check out their group.  They are looking for people for Friday, August 30th.  Here's their info.

"We've set up a full equipment pick up game 10:45pm this Friday @ culver city. Its co-ed, chill and fun. If anyone wants to join us, join the culver hockey meet up group and sign up!"

Or talk to Michael:


Go Kings Go,
