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Come to this Special COOL event this Sunday 7/21 ( correct date)

From: Chew-Hoong
Sent on: Friday, July 19, 2013, 4:21 PM

eeks! So sorry..Heat gotten to me...

the date is 7/21 (not 7/28) event is THIS SUNDAY, 7/21.

So great to chill out with all the folks who came on Tuesday. THANK YOU for coming! We all agreed the mix & mingle was certainly lotsa fun & unique, with a LoA twist. Many new friendships blossomed. Read their comments here.

HUGE THANKS to Jon Fischer,who welcomed us to his so "coool" loft to enjoy each other.

Much thanks to Suzy Spivey, Dream Coach & Speaker, for getting us grounded & present with a chakra clearing & alignment activity. It was simply harmoniously beautiful as we sound through the chakras.

Much appreciation also to Michael Trachtman & Penny Goldmuntz as our guides to deeper, heart-centered conversations & connections with each other. They provided simple, yet powerfully engaging questions, that allowed us to quickly share what we do well & enjoy as well as our vulnerabilities, balance of both so important to open our hearts & connect with each other, on an authentic level.

To learn more about how you can use the Law Of Attraction to attract more friends, "ideal mate" and/or a better social life, don't miss out on this experiential workshop with Michael & Penny this Sunday, 7/28.

Learn how to talk with folks so they become more interested in you & curious about you. The better you are at being "social", the easier the Law Of Attraction can work on your behalf to bring like-hearted people to you. Get the "delicious" details here!

Much JOY!
~Chew-Hoong & Dave
Organizers, Boston Law Of Attraction Meetup

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