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What we’re about

Meet up in person, and with teleconferences for convenience, with awesome beings who are interested in learning and practicing the spiritual principle called The Law of Attraction in an effort to attract abundance and prosperity and getting what one desires. Abraham speaks of 3 things - Desire - Release Resistance and Allow.

Perhaps you've seen "The Secret" and wanted to learn more or perhaps you have been a dedicated student of Abraham Hicks for several years. Perhaps you've tried on your own to make the Law of Attraction work in your favor or to increase your vibration, but you want it to work better in your favor.

Abraham is very adamant about desire and feeling good; but, just as adamant about releasing resistance to that which you desire in order to allow it. So many groups, books, movies and people talk about positive thoughts and increasing the frequency of your vibration, which is true.  Yet, without releasing resistance it can feel like knocking your head against the wall.

This group of LOA Beings is about increasing your knowledge and use of LOA, AND, releasing resistance to your desires and abundance in your life.

Feel free to join us for inspirational and educational discussions and activities. Come step outside of your comfort zone and learn how our thoughts really do create our lives.

We invite everyone to suggest meetings, ask any questions about LOA or releasing.

The organizer, Kim Eisen has been to seminars with Abraham since 2004 and has sat in the 'hot seat' to directly speak to and ask questions.  The answers amazingly simple, yet complicated by our internal programming.