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Re: [lawofattraction-171] What Books Do You Recommend?

From: Meg
Sent on: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:58 PM
Hi John,
I am new too and this book was recommended to me last Friday night.  I would like to read it and it would be wonderful if you used it with your book group.  Thanks for doing this!
Ask and It Is Given by Abraham Hicks
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:37 PM, John Ruddy <[address removed]> wrote:
Dear Friends:
My name is John Ruddy, I'm a new member of The Law of Attraction MeetUp Group, I attended my first meeting last week and I've volunteered to help coordinate a monthly Law of Attraction Book Club for our MeetUp Group members.
Therefore, I approach you today in a spirit of outreach, sharing and continued growth -- as I ask for your input.
Which books would you recommend as MUST READS for those of us who are newer to The Law of Attraction and who are looking to develop a good basic understanding of the issues?  Which one book has been the most helpful to you in understanding and applying The Law of Attraction?  Did one book "speak" to you more than any other?  In a few short sentences, please share why you recommend the book(s).

If you'd prefer to make your recommendations directly to me, you may send an e-mail to my personal e-mail address through MeetUp (or reply to this message). A better suggestion, though, is to post your recommendations on the Message Board (I've started a new thread there). We all have a great deal to share with each other and I'd love to see the Message Board vibrating with positive energy. And, if you cannot attend the Book Club meeting, perhaps you'll pick up some great ideas for your next read.

We'll announce the Book Club reading list and meeting times and invite all who wish to learn and share to attend.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

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Meg :)

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