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Village of bisexuals and friends tomorrow evening

From: John G
Sent on: Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 1:41 PM

Hi everyone!

In case you haven't seen, tomorrow's November bar meet in soho has moved - only next door so it will be the same route as usual for you. This month we will be upstairs in The Village, and the cocktails will be cheaper until 9pm - their happy hour is better and longer.

If you've avoided the O Bar due to any reason, perhaps the noise (though its been better this year) then come along and give us another try at this venue and if it goes  well we will consider using it more next year.  RSVP here or on any supported phone app:

Next year is our 10th anniversary (in September, same month as bi visibility day) and I'd like to celebrate it with more going on and more activities, I also have an idea for a competition. If you have any ideas for special events or ways to publicise our existance better, do get in touch and share them with us (reply to this email if you like or if you wish to keep your email private then use meetup messaging, the website also has a link to contact the organiser(s)).

Look forward to meeting you tomorrow evening with our other new members and regulars - we always have a fair mix and it really won't take much effort to get into some great conversations with others in our community.

Thanks for helping us grow and support the London Bisexuals group.

John (group organiser)