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Beyond Dojos

From: Paweł K.
Sent on: Friday, November 18, 2011, 9:27 AM

I was wondering if it makes sense to organize LSUG Lightning Talks.
What are lightning talks you ask? It's a meeting format where people
give 5-minute presentations followed by questions.
You can do rants, present a technology, methodology or talk about some
other presentation or conference you attended or show off your side
If you have a topic you would like to present, post it here, so we
know how many people are interested in presenting.
Maybe we should try to organize the lightning talks together with LJC
or Clojure user group under the umbrella of functional programming?

Another idea is having meeting with just discussions, similar to
London Software Craftsmanship Round Table. Maybe we could start it
with lightning talks and do the discussions followed by pub after.
That's what they do.

If you have any other ideas for LSUG, let the community know, I'm
certainly not the only one with ideas and time. :P


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