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LSCC mentorship?

From: Asier B.
Sent on: Thursday, June 18, 2015, 11:34 PM
Hi everybody,

Apologies for the massive email, but I thought this might be of interest to many of you.

Last week in the LSCC roundtable we had an interesting discussion about apprenticeships/mentorships. We talked about making this work out of our day-to-days job. We got a bit excited and at the end we decided that we would like to start organising some informal meetings to mentor and be mentored. With the idea of maybe having apprenticeships programs in the future.

We have a "thread"in the LSCC discourse page. For more info you can go there:

If you are interested and want to collaborate please let us know.
Please don't answer this email. Just got to the discourse page and write a comment there. If you don't have an account just create one at it will get approved soon.

Many thanks! :)
Asier  Barrenetxea

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