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What we’re about

The LA Video Technology meetup is for anyone interested in the underlying technology behind video and video publishing: HTML5 video, streaming, transcoding, codecs, advertising, open standards, virtual reality, 360deg, HDR and more. We will focus on the engineering side and not the creative side, but creatives are welcome.

Our goal is to have an informal gathering dedicated to discussing technology, and video in particular. LA is a conglomeration of Arts, Media and Science, and hopefully this meetup could represent this union and provide a platform to exchange ideas, knowledge, fun and opportunities. Without further ado, let's geek it out!!

P.S: We are still looking for a place/sponsor to host the monthly (ideally) meetups in LA. If you/your company is willing to accommodate a bunch of us once every month please shoot me a message and we can add you as a sponsor :)

Note: Inspired and in collaboration with the original SF Video Technology meetup ( and the Demuxed video conference (