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Changes to organiser team

From: Lee B.
Sent on: Sunday, January 13, 2013, 11:35 PM

To all Magento London members :

Those of you that attended the January meetup will be aware that this was Arush's final meetup as a co-organiser. Arush has decided to step down from the organiser team and his enthusiasm and drive will be missed by all of us. During the year or so that Arush has been a co-organiser, he's helped the group to grow from around 100 members to well over 400 members.

Fergus Macdonald will be joining the organiser team to replace Arush. Fergus is a long standing member of the group, having attended nearly every meetup. Like Arush before him, Fergus is involved with Magento in the capacity of a merchant that is actively using Magento to power their business.

I'm sure that I speak for every member of the group when I say thank you to Arush for all the hard work that he's put in, and also a big welcome to Fergus.

The organisers intend to continue to grow and improve the group further in 2013, and shall also be organising a second MageHack event. If you have any ideas or suggestions to help us improve the group, we're always ready to hear them!

Myself and the rest of the organisers (Mitch, Alistair and Fergus) look forward to seeing you all at the next meetup event

-- Lee


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