Share/Brainstorm Positive Stories Continuing McCaffrey's PERN: Free Audio-Zoom
COVE HOLD Meetup: Share/Brainstorm Positive FanFic & RPG Stories Continuing McCaffrey's Dragonriders Of PERN! 2nd Tuesdays!:
ππΉ If a large turnout, I'm fine staying longer than 20 min; --but always arrive w/in the 1st 20 min, as we may not be there longer.
ππΉ **Not like my video zoom gatherings [where we see each other's faces], --but an Audio-onlyzoom group call: All screens are turned off, many people just use the zoom toll-free #, & dial in. Chat will be off (as you can't see chat if you dial in).
ππΉ Please disregard old notes on my youtube channel saying you need to 'like' videos, or subscribe to my channel to attend: 'Liking' is useful to get a sense of people's intetest, & subscribing is helpful to you (to make sure you get invites & last minute changes); but not required to attend.
Best wishes & look forward to sharing it w/you!
WRP Diana
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month
Share/Brainstorm Positive Stories Continuing McCaffrey's PERN: Free Audio-Zoom