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Re: [marinadelreysailinggroup] Intro to Sailing - Feb 6

From: Heather
Sent on: Monday, January 18, 2016, 9:53 PM

I have no experience, but would love to learn.


On Jan 18,[masked]:01 PM, "jack silver" <[address removed]> wrote:
I would like to extend an invitation to persons who would like to get into sailing; may have some or little or no experience.  I have a 36 foot Hunter, fully equipped with all the whistles and bells; the price for this little adventure is  “0” because i want to get our name out and to let people know about our program which is based around sharing a boat.  you can learn more about it by going to our website:    

I am scheduling this for Saturday Feb 6 from 1-3.  I can only take 6 people - if i get a good response from this, i will do this on a regular basis.  If you are interested I will send you a release form and a very simple questionnaire so i can have some idea of your experience level and what you are looking for.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate in calling me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

jack silver


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