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Meetup Cancelled (and request for FREE Hot Seat business guinea pig)

From: Todd S.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 10:06 PM

Sorry for the late notice everyone, but our Meetup scheduled to occur on Friday, April 26,[masked]:30 AM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.


I have been selected to be one of 10 panelists for a really neat program put on by the Junior Achievement of Southern California. Its a way for me to give back the community and encourage young entrepreneurial minded kids to follow their passion. Cool, huh?

I have had a LONG and ARDUOUS struggle as an entrepreneur and I think this is a way I can help some young people have less of a struggle than I did.

Stay tuned, we have another great Meetup planned for Friday May 3rd. I'll be sending out s survey tomorrow asking you what you'd like me to cover in the meeting.


Till then, stay focused on your business and give value to your customers!



PS: Next week I'll be doing a business hot seat. If you'd like to volunteer as my first "guinea pig", please email me back to get more info.


If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.

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