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Host-Test-Print & Puppet :)

From: Drew K.
Sent on: Friday, October 18, 2013, 3:53 PM

With our next meetup just under two weeks away it's time for an update! We have two wonderful sponsors providing our food and drinks, Linode & Campaign Monitor.


You're very own Drew Khoury will be presenting at the next Puppet Meetup. You know you want to come along!

I'll be doing a talk on Introducing Puppet to the Enterprise. Would love to see a few familiar faces, so head over to Puppet Meetup and RSVP today :) It's hosted at my new workplace in the CBD, Odecee (Level 11, 410 Collins Street).

WHEN? Tuesday, October 29, 2013 @6PM

HOST-TEST-PRINT - Thurs Oct 31

We're all set for a great night of presentations and fun!

Who's talking?

  • James Sinclair (Linode)
  • Michael Lyons (Paychoice Payment Gateway) - Smoke Testing
  • David Chanter (Connected Community HackerSpace) - 3D Printing


Linode has this taken care of. As always I'll try and sneak in a few extra goodies too. You can never have enough freebies!

The Details:
Thursday, Oct 31, 2013 from 6pm (Talks start at 7pm). Maison Ama Lurra - 123 Howard Street North Melbourne Melbourne


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