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Next Meetup is 1 week away

From: Drew K.
Sent on: Thursday, November 27, 2014, 10:08 AM

Hey guys, with one week to go I thought I'd update you on our next meetup (RSVP here

If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so it's set to be a fantastic night and spots are filling up.

Here are the highlights:
- Hosts and Members from MelbDev, InfraCoders, Android, Odecee & Tessel
- Free food and drinks (yes drinks plural, you won't starve or die of thirst on my watch)
- Over $1,000 in prizes to giveaway
- F1 Simulator races
- Odecee Innovation Centre with lots of fun tech toys (Drones, Oclus Rifts, Smart Watches, 3D Printers, Google Glass)

Hope to see you there!


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