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RE: [metaphysics-479] Can we talk?

From: user 5.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:03 PM
Hi Caryl,
I am so glad I am receiving this email from you, so I can give you feedback. Because the problem is that I haven't received meet-up informations on a regular basis. That is really the main reason I haven't been coming. Now, I have not been to many meetings, but when I came to the Carolene Heart meeting, I definetely thought that I want to come more often. Then I received the info for the next meet-up, which wasn't a high interest topic of mine and after that I didn't get anything for some reason.
With Thanksgiving then coming up and now Christmas life has been so busy, that I didn't even think about inquiring why I am not receiving any information or when you have the next meeting. But it definetely had nothing to do with the new location. I really liked the new ideas that you mentioned you would incorporate for the same price.

1. Do you know of a location that can accommodate at least 60 people? It needs to be a private, quiet space, in mid-Pinellas County and reasonably priced.  
No, but the location that you suggested would work well for me. 
2. Why did you stop (or not start) attending meetings?  
See above. I am assuming that maybe a lot of people have just gotten really busy with the holidays approaching. 
3. Why did you sign up for the Metaphysical Meetup? What did you want? What were you looking for?  
I would like to come more regularly to the meetings, but I do need email reminders, so I don't forget to check what is offered.
Here are some high interest topics of mine:
Near Death Experiences (I think you might have had a meeting with that topic and I missed it, because I didn't get any email reminders.)
Out of Body Experiences
Ho'oponopono (Dr. Hew Len)
Quantum healing
Life between Lives
Past Life Regression (I came to the one with Carolene Heart)
Communicating with people that passed (I came to the Bruce Moen meeting and was very inspired by him.)
Discussing different healing modalities and why they seem to work
Silva Mind Control Method
Hemisync Meditations and the Monroe Institute
Methods of meditation and reaching different states of awareness 
4. Is there a meeting time that you would prefer to Saturday evening?  
Saturday evening is perfect. I could also do Friday or Sunday evening. 
5. What would you like to see on the agenda for the meeting?  
Not all the topics that I suggested above might really call for a speaker. Some could just be topics for discussions with a discussion leader. 
6. Are you interested in hands-on-healing and/or psychic development exercises?  
Absolutely! Great idea. Not so much the hands-on-healing right now, but definetely the psychic development exercises. 
7. Would you like to be a speaker in the future?  
Maybe at some point I could share my personal experiences with out of body experiences. But I would definetely have to come more often first to warm up for that. I have to push myself to speak in front of people. 
8. Are there any speakers you would like to suggest?  
No, not right now. 
9. Any other suggestions or feedback?

We have done everything we can think of to create interesting events that will educate, enlighten, entertain and empower. Please share your insights and help us create a dynamic Metaphysical Meetup for 2010!

Happy Holidays, Namaste,
Caryl & Parker

Metaphysical Meetup

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