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Midwest PHP Call for Papers ending soon!

From: Jonathan S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 2, 2017, 9:07 AM

Midwest PHP is an awesome conference up in the Twin Cities, and their call for papers is still open for a couple of more weeks! Don't wait, and submit your talk today. We'd love to see a great showing of Madison PHP speakers up there! Need help coming up with an idea or writing your abstract? We'd love to help you, and don't forget about

A few tips:

  1. Submit more than one talk.

  2. Make sure your title is catchy but still describes what your talk is about.

  3. In your abstract, describe a tangible problem that your audience has and let them know that your talk will help them solve it.

  4. Be honest, professional, and kind. No insulting other languages or technologies.

But above all else....

Be Brave! You can do this!

Submit your talk ideas today at:

And if you aren't feeling up to trying your hand at speaking yet, pick up a blind bird ticket today and join us in the audience!

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