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Shade Tree Garage

From: Bob M.
Sent on: Thursday, October 22, 2015, 10:38 AM


The business cards from last night are posted to the files section on

We had a great turnout last night. Many thanks to John  O'Connor for offering us a great location for our meetup. Several people commented that with the added space it was much easier to move around and actually hear what people were saying.

The 11 minute Green Energy video that JoeO showed last night can be viewed by clicking HERE

Remember in less then 5 minutes you can go green, help clean up the planet and save a little every month by visting Give me a call if you want to learn more about starting your own part time GREEN ENERGY business.


Be sure to Sign up for next month when  Christine Clifton will be talking about 
Know, Like, and Trust: 3 Steps to Make More Money from Your Marketing


Bob Michie
[address removed]



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