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What we’re about

Enthusiasts, learners, facilitators and experts are welcomed.

***EVERYONE can join the meet-up group for FREE!


There will also be gatherings just to meet kindred spirits and have a great time.
The Mystical Junction is a place of cooperation, friendship and enthusiasm for deeper and profound learning. We do not have any room for egotism and negativity.
If you want to empower yourself - in work, study, family, relationships, love and effectively utilising your resources - find your spiritual path, discover and heed your calling, discuss your passion and be part of a positive and constantly learning group then you are a kindred spirit. You are most welcome!
Once you've joined the meet-up group will always be updated with upcoming activities and can participate in the discussions online.
What are the benefits of a MEMBER?
1. YOU get updates on workshops, seminars and classes.
2. YOU get priority bookings on your RSVPs.
3. You get discounts from Pinnacle books - they've got a great selection of Mind Body Spirit books. There will be more sponsors as the group grows.
4. YOU can facilitate workshops, seminars and classes, with regard to your expertise on the many topics about metaphysics and spiritual development.
5. You get to meet and belong to a group of decent, friendly and helpful kindred spirits.
6. YOU will get access to our growing compendium of references based on the workshops, seminars and classes. (This can be emailed to you, as they come.)


If you would like to learn the Tarot, Dreams, Intuition - and other similar topics - seriously and committedly then please feel free to also join the new group Zammtopia School of Thought !

Here's the link

Besides the TAROT, we are now set on a journey of discovery into the the spiritual and metaphysical worlds of the Lenormand, Astrology, Numerology, Sacred Geometry, Runes, Dowsing, Spirit Guides, Angels, The Akashic Records, Meditation, Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, Spinal Breathing, The Kabbalah, I-Ching, Feng Shui, Palm Reading, Face Reading, Reiki, Energy Healing, Guided Relaxations, Guided Visualisations, Intuition, Emotional Freedom Technique, Soulmates and Twinflames, and other paths to Personal and Spiritual Development.