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What we’re about

As this is a different concept, this description is necessarily long. Please read all of this before applying for membership.

“Naked Healing For Men” is a group open to all men who are ready and willing to explore and experiment with their spirituality for mutual healing. The aim is to strengthen the male energies of the earth, something that seems to be suppressed and even frowned upon in today’s modern world. It is designed to lift the individual’s soul and send a light shining out to uplift the world. When combined with unconditional love, a man’s energy is powerful. When this energy is from a group of men working together, it is magnified exponentially. Everyone has the power to heal. This group is designed to empower men to use that power.

But why naked? We all live behind a mask disguising our real self from the world. This happens even more so for men, who have been brought up to feel that they must behave in a certain way to conform. Being naked strips away that mask and liberates the soul, setting it free to express itself. It’s a leveller that helps you become comfortable with yourself, not only your body, but also your soul.

The format of the event:

Before undressing, we will have a chance get to know each other and to talk about the structure of the evening and what participants would like to get out of it, and any help they may need to achieve this. When ready, we undress each other and, standing in a close circle, we will have a short affirmation asking that all that will be said and done will be with unconditional love and for the greatest good of all. We then have a prolonged hug, about a minute, individually with each of the men present. We then break into groups and be guided to explore specific aspects of healing and spirituality. Throughout this, learn to support your fellow participants. Hold somebody’s hand, have a hug, have a long hug, have a cry, have a laugh. Relearn how to love, in a non-sexual way, your fellow man and thus pass on healing energies to others in the group. Unconditional giving is at the core of this group. It is about sharing and exchanging skills, tapping into your inherent, perhaps unconscious, gifts and discovering new ones.

Towards the end of the session, everyone receives healing in turn from the rest of the group. Anyone who wishes can then offer up issues they would like to the group to focus on, a personal issue, a world issue, and, in a big hug for the world, we send out thoughts of love and healing.

Leave feeling uplifted and energised for the days ahead.

Please see our ground rules here: You will be required to confirm agreement with them before joining the group.

Additional information about a typical session can be found here:

If you feel that this is a group for you, please be honest and comprehensive in answering the questions. Previous experience is not required. It is merely so we can assess how to best meet your needs during the meetings. Please ensure your photo clearly shows your face.