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New Meetup: Saturday Morning Walk in the Woods: Side Cut

From: Ken M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 5:06 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Toledo New Friends/New In Town Meetup Group!

What: Saturday Morning Walk in the Woods: Side Cut

When: December 5,[masked]:00 AM

Sidecut Metro Park, Riverview Area
1025 River Rd
Maumee, OH 43537

Saturday Morning Walk in the Woods: Side Cut

I haven't seen this in the listing of hikes in a while, so I thought I would schedule a nice walk. Since it is a dirt trail, boots are recommended.

Meet at the Lamb Heritage Center. We will depart at 11:15 a.m. (Fallen Timbers Trail AND Riverview Trail) (5.3 miles) - red and orange trails.
The Fallen Timbers Trail
Length: 4.1 miles
Surface: dirt
Traffic: light

The trail begins at Silver Lake Area, goes through an old pine plantation and opens onto a prairie area that is decorated in late summer with gray-headed coneflower and bergamot, and later with New England aster and various goldenrods. Beyond the Prairie is a floodplain thicket with stands of buttonbush. Look for deer, which are abundant throughout Side Cut. On the other side of I-475, watch for osprey and eagles hunting fish in the rapids.

The last 300 yards of the trail climbs steeply out of the floodplain, through stands of buckeyes, up to the Fallen Timbers Monument for a great view overlooking the floodplain and rapids.

Riverview Trail
Length: 1.2 mile loop
Surface: dirt
Traffic: light

The trail loops from the Riverview area along the Maumee River, providing scenic views through dense floodplain vegetation and around a lagoon before returning to the trailhead. The trail is excellent for viewing migrating birds.

Learn more here:

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