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WordCamp San Francisco Tickets Are On Sale!

From: Jennifer B.
Sent on: maandag 8 september 2014 13:16

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to send you a quick note that the WordCamp San Francisco tickets went on sale today ... and they probably will sell out. The event is happening at the Mission Bay Conference Center, October 25-56, 2014 and includes lunch both days and an event t-shirt.

Every year at WCSF, Matt Mullenweg gives the "State of the Word" address, which is always very interesting, the sessions are all pretty incredible, and the attendee list is amazing (which means awesome networking).

Last year's WordCamp San Francisco was my first ever WordCamp and I was so blown away that I've been to 5 others so far this year.

We're so close to SF that we highly recommend you snag a ticket before they're gone.

Here's the link

Not quite sure yet?

Check out my recap post that I wrote about last year's event:

Hope to see you there!

Jennifer Bourn

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