What we’re about
My Dear Community of Friends,
I’m excited to invite you to join our community of like-minded souls. We are all busy people with complicated lives and much on our plates. And, often, much of our time is spent on helping, and doing for others But, how much of our time is spent on nurturing ourselves, the inwardness of our being?
I’m calling to you, my community, to join us as a community of people who care about our families, our friends, our communities, our country, our world, ourselves enough to replenish our energy, our spirits with guided meditation and reflective silence, mindful movement, inspirational music, uplifting readings, teachings, sharing of personal inspiration and/or epiphanies.
Our offerings..
• Tiny Sangha, Daily, 6:45-7:20 am (ZOOM only for now)
• Monday Night Community Practice,Every Monday, 6:00-7:30 pm (ZOOM only for now)
• Embodied Mindfulness--Yoga, Qigong, Breath, Meditation, MWF, 7:30-9:00 am (ZOOM only for now)
All teachings on this site (daily Tiny Sangha sits, Monday Night Community Practice and MWF Embodied Mindfulness—yoga, qigong, breath, meditation) are given from the heart in the spirit of dana (generosity) and may also be received in the spirit of gratitude—without the slightest consideration of reciprocity. Therefore, these teachings/talks are always available without cost.
Supporting the teacher, the teachings, and the process with dana is an ancient (and now modern) tradition, and is unique to each person’s ability, willingness and generosity—all held in complete confidentce.
Nothing is expected; everything is appreciated. Everyone is warmly and equally welcomed.
Please contact me privately if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!
With care and Metta,
Dana gratefully accepted via Venmo @Kristy Juliano