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New Meetup: Spiritual Walk Around the Lake

From: Ellen
Sent on: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 4:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The North-of-Boston Law of Attraction Meetup Group!

What: Spiritual Walk Around the Lake

When: Saturday, October 30,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Lake Quannapowitt
North Ave & Church St
Wakefield , MA 01880

We all live in an ever changing world and experience moments in our life in which we might label as a "Bad" and, we may feel ourselves spiraling in what feels like an out of control situation.
It helps to know that you are not alone and there are ways to lift yourself up. Try walking. What an inspirational and uplifting feeling a walk can bring. They've helped to strengthen my spiritual self, and they may help you in an ongoing spiritual journey.
I have just experienced one of these moments and another incredible experience has transpired. I would love to share this with you.

Let's meet at:
Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield for a transformational walk.
We will meet by the boat dock, in the parking lot, at
The Corner of Church St. & North Ave
The lake is about 3 miles round trip and should take us 1-2 hours to complete.
I plan on stopping midway for a bite to eat, drink and chat at my favorite place the Gingerbread Construction Co. before moving on.

I promise you this will be a true Spiritual an Uplifting experience.
So please bring your walking shoes, your listening ears, & an open heart.
Come join me.

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