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Reminder: Tomorrow Night is Our Next Event!

From: Jim L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 5:13 PM

Hi everyone,

We have a tremendous number of RSVPs for tomorrow night's meetup at Viget. If you won't be able to join us, please do update your RSVP here:

We'll have pizza and socializing at 630pm, and will kick things off at 700pm. Please allow yourself extra time to park.

Address & Directions

105 West Broad Street, 4th Floor, Falls Church, VA, 22046, U.S.

About Viget

Viget is once again hosting and sponsoring this month's event - thanks! Viget is a full-service interactive agency that helps plan, design, build, and market successful digital and hardware products. Founded in 1999, the company includes 67 people across the Washington DC Metro area, Colorado, and North Carolina.

See you all tomorrow night!

The NoVA UX Team

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