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New Meeting: ADHD & ADD Tween & Parents:New Summer Camp/Workshop - L>E>A>P>S(sm) 4 DAY CAMP

From: Leah
Sent on: Saturday, May 10, 2008, 1:07 PM
Announcing a new meeting for CHADD of Northern Virginia!

What: ADHD & ADD Tween & Parents:New Summer Camp/Workshop - L>E>A>P>S(sm) 4 DAY CAMP

When: Monday, August 11, 9:30 AM

Meeting fee: USD400.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: This is NOT a NoVA CHADD event.


Learning Emotional And Physical Success!
for AD/HD Families

A program designed to help tweens diagnosed with ADHD or ADD and their parents through the transition years.

Interactive Camps for Tweens
(11-14 year-olds)
Skill building [self awareness and self esteem) exercises
through movement, dialogue, art and role playing

Educational Workshops for Parents
Learn effective parent-child communication to establish trust and help your children know they are lovable, valuable and capable!

Individualized progress for each child
WHEN: July 14 -July 17, 2008 or August 11-14, 2008
9:30 to 12:30, (Light snack provided)

WHERE: Cary Professional Center
?R? Place, 8136 Old Keene Mill Road, Suite 209A
Springfield, Virginia 22152

FEE: $400 (includes both tween camp and parent workshop)
Send check payable to AFFA and application
to ?R? Place, 8136 Old Keene Mill Road, Suite 209A,
Springfield, VA 22152 or, for credit card processing,
Call [masked]

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