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What we’re about

This group is for anyone who's interested in starting to write a novel or for anyone who has finished one and needs some feed back from some very honest people.  If you're a seasoned writer or just someone who loves to read and help with honest opinions, you are welcome to join in. Writing can often start out as the best idea you ever had, and end up being the most confounded irritating thing you ever encountered. The promise that encouraging help and guidance is there, may just be what you've needed to finish your story or even start one. The groups are going to be small so we can focus on each others work. You will need to bring small copies of your work to hand out. Bring a positive attitude and be willing to suck it up and take an opinion or two. Let's help each other get to that last line we've all been dying to write, "The End".

Upcoming events (4+)

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