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What did you ship Wednesdays?

From: H S
Sent on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 12:15 PM
Vibe 3.5 for iOS (  

Displays geo-tagged instagrams, tweets, and vibes around you and at any map location.

Has two modes:

1. Vibe Around Here: social media posts around where you are now.  Useful to check the current neighborhood vibe at work, home, or just walking down the street.

2.  Vibe Around There: social media posts around any map location.  Useful to see what's happening at your alma mater, at Yankee stadium, or any world hot spot.

Turns out that even though just a fraction of instagrams and tweets are geo-tagged, there's enough volume to get an almost real time view of major crowd events like the iPhone 5 announcement in Cupertino, the iPhone 5s lines in NY and Tokyo, and any baseball game.

Don't need Instagram or Twitter accounts to browse (only if you want to reply to any posts).



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