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Financial Modeling Workshop - Pre-revenue Startups - 4 Spots Left

From: Victoria Y.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 4:45 AM
Dear all,

The Startup Station's next workshop on Financial Modeling is coming up on March 23rd. ONLY 4 SPOTS Left. We usually sell out, so don't wait.

In this workshop, we will discuss how to create a financial model for a pre-revenue startup, an exercise that many early stage startups find very challenging and which very quickly may become a roadblock in the fundraising process.

Specifically, we will review the structure of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the process of creating revenue, cost, and working capital assumptions and how to ensure these assumptions reflect your company's go to market strategy.

FINALLY, we will have a special presentation from Chara McGill from the RMG Group who has worked with hundreds of small businesses and who will talk about the most common mistakes people make when reviewing their financial results as well as managing their businesses.

New: if you have any specific questions, please email them to [address removed], and we will address them during Q&A.


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