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What we’re about

The purpose of this Meetup is to discuss and learn about developments for Edgeware, a high-performance, self-upgrading WASM smart contract platform that will be the first parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem.

The mainnet will launch on September 15.

Background (from the white paper):
Edgeware integrates advanced features like proof-of-stake validation, WebAssembly smart contracts, and an interface for on-chain identity and governance.
By distributing balances to Ethereum holders who timelock
their tokens, Edgeware secures an early community of stakeholders incentivized to participate in the network’s governance.
Using a community-governed block reward and on-chain governance processes, stakeholders vote on upgrade proposals. This governance process is
used to fund, manage, and deploy improvements to the network, creating
a self-improving system that coordinates and supports its own development.

The Lockdrop is currently open to participation for ETH holders:
ETH holders may lock their ETH for 3, 6, or 12 months, or may signal (indicate support for Edgeware without locking ETH).

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