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Re: [New-York-C-Developers-Group] C++ Meetup Ideas Welcome

From: Andrew M.
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2013, 12:33 PM

Hi Justin -

Apologies for the delay getting back to you.

My bias would be to keep the talks focused on platform agnostic topics, for the most part. However, you did mention using C++ smart pointers to make Win32 less painful. I think there could be some potential there, demonstrating how to use the more advanced features of C++11 smart pointers to simplify integration with 'unfriendly' APIs. I'm not sure how widely known such techniques are, and those techniques aren't MS specific.

As far as COM, is that still a relevant part of the Windows development environment? I remember it being quite important many years ago, but I thought that CLR had obviated the need for it? On the other hand, acquiring an understanding of the design of COM is certainly good for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the C++ object model. If it is still relevant, perhaps it could be presented in a way that limited its Win32 specificity?

Would you be interested in giving a presentation along these lines?

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 8:22 PM, Justin Dearing <[address removed]> wrote:
Andrew et al,

I've found myself doing a smattering of C++ because I have the need to host the .NET CLR in an exe for a hobby project. How many windows C++ guys are in the meetup? I'd like to hea talks about C++/CLI, using smart pointers to make the Win32 API suck less, and understanding COM. I think there would be an interest for these sorts of talks. A lot of us that code in .NET or Java tend to use pure C when they have to interact with low level OS stuff because we learned the C++ that existed ten years ago.

So is anyone in the group interested in those types of topics?


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Andrew Morrow <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello C++ Meetup -

We haven't met for a while, so I think we should plan to get together again early in the new year. However, we need a topic and a presenter. If you have topic suggestions, or in particular if you are interested in presenting, please get in touch with me or with one of the other C++ meetup organizers so we can get it scheduled.

We are open to both beginner level material and more advanced material. I know there is interest in things C++11 related. I personally would be very interested to hear from anyone who has successfully migrated an existing codebase to C++11 and can share their experiences.

If no ideas are forthcoming, I might decide to present on something I've been working on recently if people seem interested enough: 


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