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[RESUME] Sr. Front-End Developer Available - NYC

From: Beau
Sent on: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 11:55 AM
To whom it may concern, 

I'm representing a rather excellent Senior Front-End Developer candidate
looking for a full time job in New York City, asking 115k. His skills
include, but are not limited to: 

* Strong experience in: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, OOP 
* Familiar with MVC JavaScript libraries such as Backbone.js, and
* Knowledge of: design patterns and UML modeling 

If anyone would like to have a look at his resume I have his permission
to share it.  Just shoot me an email and ask. 

Thank you, 
Beau J. Gould 
Open Source Staffing 
Follow me @ossjobs - New jobs posted daily. Full time, contract and

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