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New podcast on mobile .NET development

From: Greg S.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 8:08 AM

Hey all,

I just wanted to let you all know about a new podcast I just launched with some other prominent members of the community called Gone Mobile. You can basically think of it as a podcast version of this group, so it will focus on mobile development with a definite slant towards the .NET side of things. The first episode was more of an introduction to us and an open discussion on a few topics, but in future episodes we'll have various guests in order to dig deeper into specific topics.

It's still pending approval in iTunes and other places, but in the meantime you can subscribe and listen via the links on the site. Stay tuned for more episodes soon! We have some great shows planned so we're very excited to get going on this project.



Twitter: @gonemobilecast


I also hope to see everyone at our next meeting in a couple weeks! Expect to see some new exciting sessions pop into the calendar very soon.


- Greg

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