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What we’re about

Join a productive investment community with skilled people! This group will help you to

  1. Discuss the USA market and which stocks you should buy or sell
  2. Share ideas and companies you have been researching
  3. Analyse together annual reports from your favourite companies
  4. Enlighten the rest of us on an industry or specialised topic within your "circle of competence."
  5. Get answers on all hot issues, recommendations, and advice from other experienced people

We meet about once a month (online) to share investment ideas and your industry knowledge. It is a group of like-minded investors, whether novice or veteran. Our meetings are very social and are a great place to get together for some chat. 

We meet to:
1) discuss the market and which stocks to buy or sell
2) share ideas and businesses you have been researching
3) analyse together annual reports from your favourite companies
4) enlighten the rest of us on an industry or specialised topic within your "circle of competence"

Each member MUST have his/her personal investments in the USA stock market. Our group is about having the chance to invest in something different and share the knowledge.

Join our FREE private Facebook Group to learn more

Whether you are interested in learning to trade or finding better ways to invest your money, a visit to this meetup is all you'll need to get started: beginner, intermediate and professional investors are all welcome. 

We'll choose new members according to the answers so be sure you have completed them all. Otherwise, we won't be able to take your application into account. 
We look forward to reading your applications and meeting you soon!
Important notes: 
- past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Before making any financial decisions, you may wish to seek independent financial advice.  
- no one, in whatever capacity, shall give any kind of investment advice or recommendations at our meetings. Nothing you hear at these meetings shall be taken as financial or investment advice.