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Messages forums for Worcester Paddling Meetup Group

From: Nancy H
Sent on: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 6:10 PM

Hi everyone,

I added a new "For Sale" forum to our message board..  If you want to see it, hover over "Discussions" at the top of the page,  and click on "Message Board".  You'll see two forums: "Group Discussion" forum and the new "For Sale" forum.

If you'd like to advertise a paddling related item for sale, you may use the "For Sale" forum. It might be helpful to list where the item is located.

If you'd like to reply to a person who is advertising something for sale, look to the top right of the post and you'll see a link with the meetup member's name.  Click on it and it will take you to the member's profile.  On the profile page you'll see  "send email".  Use that to contact the seller.

If you are looking for an item you can also use the "For Sale" forum.  Just title your post "Wanted to Buy ________________".

We'll keep the "For Sale" forum as long as it seems to be working. If you have sold an item you are advertising, please remove the listing.  I'm not expecting a lot of people to use this forum since there are so many other ways to sell items (craigslist,, etc), but thought I'd give it a try since someone had recently listed an item for sale on the Group Discussions forum.  I'd prefer to keep that as a discussion forum and not an advertising forum.




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