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New Meetup: Samhain Planning

From: Sal
Sent on: Monday, October 5, 2009, 7:04 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Spokane Pagan Meetup Group!

What: Samhain Planning

When: October 11,[masked]:30 AM

Sal's House
327 N. Stanley Street
Medical Lake, WA 99022

Greetings Everyone!

Rusty and I still need help getting this celebration off and running. There will be three main parts to the celebration, a dumb supper, alter for the departed and journey through the underworld.

We are having another planning meeting 11 October at 10:30 AM.

Dumb Supper - Storm is organizing: This will be a silent feast honoring the departed and inviting them to our celebration. The meal will be a pot luck featuring traditional last harvest foods. A place setting will be set up among us for the departed so they may join in the celebration. In their honor there will be no talking or music during the feast.

Altar - Sal organizing: This will be a simple altar where people can place objects, candles and altar items to honor and remember the departed.

Underworld - still needs an organizer: This will be the main activity of the night. Several people have stepped forward to fill the rolls needed to make this happen.

*** We still need a lot of help! *** There is still a lot of preparation to do for this to work.

All the main roles have been filled but we will still need many people to help with the activities of the night. Will need help setting up, cleaning up after the feast, keeping the hot beverages flowing, maintaining the paths to and from the underworld, and more....

See you at the planning meeting!

Brightest Blessings,

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