From: Tracy
Sent on: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 8:38 AM
Since Nick is a HUGE Pats fan there will be sound at the NRT.  It seems as if we will be going our separate ways this season.  So sad since it was fun to have everyone together.
- T

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --
Date: Tue, 1 Jul[masked]:05:17 -0400

Patriots aside for a sec. ( Just one sec only )

How about the next few days of baseball !!  Rays and Stankees.  I will be at Taco Mac ALL week.  If you're in the area stop by and have a drink.


- The Freakin' Puerto Rican

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:27 PM, Trina <[address removed]> wrote:
I still vote for Jocks at Galleria.  The location is perfect for me, and I like the bar!

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony
Sent: Jun 30,[masked]:39 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --

From what I've heard, not many people are fans of NRT, but I'll let those people speak up. We never got around to checking out Hudsons this weekend. Meaghan has been there and she says its really nice..maybe too nice for us, but on a Sunday afternoon, I can't image any sports bar can be too nice for crazy football fans..after all, it is a sports bar. Jocks at Galleria was the other option. With so many emails flying around, Im staring to lose track of our options actually..

----- Original Message ----
From: Tracy <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, June 30,[masked]:21:26 PM
Subject: RE: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --

Hey Everyone,
I just got this option thrown at me this weekend.  Nick and his parent's met us at Frankie's a few times this past year to watch the games.  They are HUGE Patriots fans and Nick just happens to be one of the managers at the NRT.  See his note to me below.  Let me know what you guys think.  - T

Tracy, this is Nick. Hey, please forward my email to all of your Patriots
friends. Once I have enough names and emails on my list, I can start getting
stuff for decorating the bar Patriots' style and also I can get stuff to raffle
off/give away during Pats' games. I am going to do it right and we ARE taking
over the Tavern! Thanks for your support and Papa Nick and Mama Nick will be
there for every game they can, so let's get as many people together as we can.

Nick Hanratty
North River Tavern
[address removed]

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: RE: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --
Date: Wed, 25 Jun[masked]:54:05 -0400

Just called Jocks N Jills Galleria and they got their liquor license.  They are now serving alcohol. 

So there is a 2nd option.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Sharon <[address removed]> wrote:
Awesome. We might need to check out the place this weekend. What do you say?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Stav <[address removed]>

Date: Wed, 25 Jun[masked]:39:35
To:[address removed]
Subject: Re: RE: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --

Pats volume at hudsons perimeter is confirmed. ---------- Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

-----Original Message-----
From: David Smith
Sent: 6/25/2008 6:37:07 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --
 Honestly, I really dont care where it is.  I live in SW Atlanta, but I just like the idea of hanging out with other PAT's faithfuls every week.  Any place is better than watching football games in Kuwait at 3 in the morning!  I wish I could help with the search but I really dont know the sports bar scene.  I do like Charlie Mopp's though, that is where we go after our kickball games on sunday's:) 

David Smith


 > Subject: Re: Re: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --
> From: [address removed]
> To: [address removed]
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun[masked]:55:08 -0400
> To clarify, suggestions have been asked for several times. Anthony and others have asked. I know that I have submitted some, as have others. Since there was no initial response, a smaller group of us who have hung together for awhile took up the issue. We came up with a list. However, only a couple of us have been able to check any places out. Personally, I work full time, go to law school part time, and deal with a constantly absent military husband, so I get out when I can.
> I gave my suggestions as to how to inquire and negotiate a deal (I've done it before for the University of Michigan football watch groups). If we can offer up 25-30 people a week (which wouldn't be hard with our "core" group of people, they are more likely to give us a deal. Of course, that is not the type of thing you can do on a Saturday night when you just have a floor manager and not the GM of an establishment. . .
> If we're going to do this, I think we need to include ALL possibilities and characteristics of the group. . .maybe we need to know where everyone is located in order to make an informed decision (e.g, if its primarily ITPers, being OTP might not make much sense), or what is important to them. To some, it's location, to some it's smoking/non-smoking, to some, it's beer selection. All I know is that I'm going to go where my friends are.
> Another option is that if there is so much Patriot interest in ATL, maybe we really need two groups - in town and North. Because that seems to be the major sticking point. As someone who commutes 5-6 days a week from Cobb County, I know it is for me.
> Anyways, here are my suggested establishments (does not include the recent additions).
> Digger's - never been here, but heard good things
> The Derby (by Perimeter Mall)
> Clay's sports caf?
> Laeseter's in Vinings
> Charlie Mopp's (not much of a move AND they're offering new TV's) - looks like they might be a Jags bar, but I'm pretty sure we could bring the heat there.
> Jocks N Jills Galleria (last time we check 1+ month ago, they didn't have a liquor license)
> The Line at 285 (former U of M football location - has big screen TV and would play sound for the Wolverines)
> Caroline
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Venetia and Bob <[address removed]>
> To: [address removed]
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun[masked]:41:08 -0400
> Subject: Re: [patriots-33] -- Clarification --
> Anthony:
> I live in Roswell and I thought your comments were funny! I took it as
> sarcastic humor. But there is the underlying push to just pick a place! Which
> is what we need. Thanks for working on this for all of us.
> It sounds like there are a couple of potential choices on the table right
> now, Hudson Grill Perimeter and Marlow's Tavern in Midtown (both waiting on
> management response for sound guarantee and confirmed number of people weekly),
> right?
> I know my husband...and he wants to
> #3 - Have a convenient location
> If the choices both come through for audio guarantee, and they both have
> plenty of big screens, we would pick Perimeter, but if not, we will absolutely
> hit Midtown! Either way, count us in for two, not every week, but at least a
> couple of times per month. Thanks again.
> Venetia Roy
> WorkSmart Medical, Inc.
>_www.worksmartmedical.com_ (
> In a message dated 6/24/[masked]:31:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> [address removed] writes:
> Everyone,
> Just so there is no confusion, the "comments" to the choices on the poll are
> completely SARCASTIC and harmless. Answering "NO" doesn't mean that I
> actually think you are an anti-social loser or anything of the sort. If you read
> the answers and think that I am attacking any specific person or people (like
> those who live outside the city), then I apologize. I have since removed the
> "comments" so there is no confusion about my feelings toward anyone(s). Yes,
> the option I presented is convenient to me because I live right near it, but
> its also a place where I know the management and they have expressed some
> interest in accommodating us. As I said in my previous email, we currently have
> NO place to watch the games as a group.I'm still open to suggestions, but with
> 6 weeks left to go, I think we need to seriously start trying to find a
> place.
> -Anthony
> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
> fuel-efficient used cars. (
> ------------------------------------
> Caroline Lagoy Sirhal, MPH
> alternate email: [address removed]
> --
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