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Re: [photo-496] POTENTIAL Semi-Rare PHOTO-OP !!!

From: ! That JOHN G.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 6:46 AM
Thanx!!! appreciate it!!! Another photo-op under these weather conditions is Mt Wilson or Mt Islip, where you're above the clouds looking down... I've caught it just right on a few occasions... once during a full moon, just after sunset!!!



This shot is outstanding.
My compliments

John Mammoser <[address removed]> wrote:
In case you're wondering where the classic photo of downtown LA with Mt Baldy in the background is taken.

Downtown with Baldy in the background

It's taken from Kenneth Hahn Park in Culver City

Google Map to Kenneth Hahn Park

AND... Since the air will be cleared up after the rain this week... AND there will be snow on Baldy and the surrounding mountains, this should make for a VERY nice Photo-OP!!!

So, if on Saturday or Sunday when the "alleged rain" finally stops... it may be worth your while. I suggest ( since the sun rises in the east ) any time after12 noon would be best.

Oh... to see if it's cloudy or snowy at the 6,000 ft level.... here's the link to the Mt Wilson Cam:

Mt Wilson Tower-CAM


Johns Groovy Website .com

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