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What Better Gift for Christmas?

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, December 16, 2012, 6:18 AM
Dearest Kurtis,

Jeanette (Jabonkah) has inspired us all to persevere in life with strength and hope and faith. I know I speak for Jeanette when I say, "Thank you, for taking the time to read Diving the Birds and post a review on Amazon." 

But much more than gratitude, I'm am deeply touched by the thought that her story, and my book, might have helped you, even in the slightest amount, with a personal struggle, which we all have and share in common, as members of the same, collective human family. 

Such is the power of sharing our stories. It's amazing to me how a story of the mid 1950s of an single, African bush girl can inspire us in 2012. Just think of all the unknown, positive and uplifting human stories that must exist over the course of man's time. A focus that might help us when senseless, stories of horrible disaster damage us all. Life is good. Good overrules. 

May God bless us all through Jabonkah's brave story.

I love you,


PS Merry Christmas! 

5.0 out of 5 stars Jabonkah's StoryDecember 14, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Driving the Birds (Paperback)
Within the pages of Driving the Birds, written by American author Russell Traughber, our own personal struggles naturally find an adorable, heroic and true friend in Jabonkah Sackey. She is a poster child for those of us around the world who have faced the harsh realities of life. Within her story Jabonkah is in constant struggle with her surroundings to find her purpose, and a deeper sense of meaning in life. When her faith finally takes hold of her the reader is wisped away in a fairytale like adventure to the United States of America, the land of the free.

God bless Jabonkah Sackey and God bless us all!
Russell Traughber

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