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Bilingual Education Huge Benefits

From: Maria Laura D.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 1:02 PM

Dear Students,


If you were procrastinating or undecided whether or not to learn or to continue learning a second language next year the following scientific study should give you all the reasons to make it a priority in your 2011 resolutions.



(October 2010:vol 330) 

- Social Science -

The Benefits of Multilingualism

Jared Diamond + Author Affiliations

Geography Department, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA[masked], USA.

E-mail: [address removed]


Multilingualism—the ability to understand and speak several languages—is exceptional in the United States but common elsewhere, especially in small-scale traditional societies. For instance, once while I was camped with some New Guinea Highlanders conversing simultaneously in several local languages, I asked each man to name each language in which he could converse. It turned out that everyone present spoke at least 5 languages, and the champion was a man who spoke 15.

What are the cognitive effects of such multilingualism?

Recent studies (1–5) show that

·       children raised bilingually develop a specific type of cognitive benefit during infancy!

and that

·       bilingualism offers some protection against symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia in

old people!


Full report>>


In other words, the benefits are huge if you add these other tangible benefits:

·       Better jobs with better pay!

·       Travel overseas with confidence!

·       Communicate better with relatives, co-workers, friends and lovers from other cultures!

·       Get in touch with your roots!


Portal Languages faculty is passionate about teaching languages and we welcome you in one of our classes in 2011.


Private classes $32/hour

Group* classes – (minimum 2 maximum 5) - $135 for 8 (eight) one hour weekly classes.

          *We form groups on a continuous basis always having in consideration student time availability.


Book - $20


Call to schedule your Free demo class!


Happy New Year!




Reynaldo & Maria Laura D'Angelo

Harbor Plaza (map)

2790 Harbor Blvd suite 203

Costa Mesa, CA 92626
