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PGDay NYC 2012

From: Jonathan K.
Sent on: Friday, January 27, 2012, 11:17 AM
Hi Everyone,

NYCPUG is hosting a one-day PostgreSQL-focused conference in NYC on April 2, 2012 at the Lighthouse International.  PGDay NYC 2012 is an intensive one-day PostgreSQL symposium with technical sessions focusing on the core topics you need to succeed with PostgreSQL.  For more information, see

PGDay NYC 2012 will cover topics for users, developers and contributors to PostgreSQL. 

    * Hear lessons learned from leading companies who use PostgreSQL.
    * Meet face-to-face in the "hallway track" and make lasting connections.
    * Engage the best and brightest in a lively job market.
    * Interact with other New Yorkers using PostgreSQL!

We are now accepting proposals for talks. Each session will last 50 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL.  We want as many speakers from the NY Metro Area as possible!  For a full list of topic suggestions please view

The submission deadline is February 27th, 2012. Selected speakers will be notified on March 2th, 2012. Please email your proposals to [address removed], including the following information:

    * Name
    * Company (if applicable)
    * Biography (a paragraph about you and your involvement with PostgreSQL)
    * Presentation title
    * Presentation abstract

If you have any questions, send them to [address removed] - looking forward to a great event in April!


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