What we’re about
PrepperNet is an educational and networking resource that encompasses how to prepare for and overcome potential man-made and natural disasters. Our nationwide community consists of +25,000 members across +120 city chapters.
We believe in individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and the need to improve one's capability and resilience for difficult times.
The Raleigh-Durham chapter facilitates frequent, in-person and virtual events consisting of presentations, group discussions, campouts, potlucks, and team-building exercises. All members are encouraged to share and discuss topics that interest them and to help lead activities. Areas of interest that our chapter hopes to cover include the following: bartering, beekeeping, blacksmithing, bug-out bags/emergency kits, bushcrafting, camping skills, canning, communications, edible landscaping, emergency medicine/trauma care, foraging, food and water storage, gardening, hygiene, knot tying, natural medicine (herbs, essential oils, etc.) , power generation and storage, self-defense, shelter building, urban homesteading, water procurement and filtration, vehicle maintenance, and much more!
Our goal is to ensure that every member can attain and even surpass a baseline-level of preparedness skills while developing localized relationships with neighbors that they can count on during an emergency.
This is one of three Meetup groups we manage, and focuses on all things in/around Durham, NC. The other two can be found below: