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Film Tonight: Werner Herzog's "Encounters at the End of the World"

From: John
Sent on: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 2:00 PM
Dear Radical Visionaries,

Our film group resumes regular screenings tonight as we encounter Herzog's latest documentary, "Encounters at the End of the World" at San Francisco's Roxie Theater. Relevant information for tonight's film is given below. I will post the rest of this month's film calendar later today. As usual, I will be wearing a black shirt and brown blazer. My cell is[masked]. See you!


Famed German director and documentarist ?Werner Herzog (?Grizzly Man,? ?Rescue Dawn?) confirms his standing as poet laureate of men in extreme situations with Encounters at the End of the World. In this visually stunning exploration, Herzog travels to the Antarctic community of McMurdo Station, headquarters of the National Science Foundation and home to eleven hundred people during the austral summer (Oct-Feb). Over the course of his journey, Herzog examines human nature and Mother nature, juxtaposing breathtaking locations with the profound, surreal, and sometimes absurd experiences of the marine biologists, physicists, plumbers, and truck drivers who choose to form a society as far away from society as one can get.?

Roxie Theater Directions and Information:

8:00 Purchase our tickets at the Roxie Theater, then meet around the corner in Muddy Waters Cafe (521 Valencia at 16th St.).

8:40 Head to the Roxie Theater to take our seats. The film program starts at 9:00.

10:40 After the film program we will meet again at Muddy Waters Cafe.

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