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May Newsletter for you!

From: Paul
Sent on: Thursday, May 1, 2008, 2:04 AM
Hi Everyone:

Spring is absolutely incredible this year, and I just want to say that it is so wonderful to enjoy the beauty. As one who was miserable with pollen allergies in the past, I used to dread the coming of Spring. Wrong! Spring is a time of rebirth, and what a gift it is to breath freely now! With no drugs just clean, healthy, and tasty raw  whole foods. How fortunate I am to have found this group!

Our May Newsletter is here attached in this e-mail ready for you to download. We have the member appreciation dinner on the 10th with a guest speaker, a wheat grass demonstration with free samples,and a fantastic pot luck at the park as well; plus, there are numerous events taking place in and around our community. We are indeed blessed. And the best is yet to come.

Have a great May! A great Day! Namaste!


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