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What we’re about

All folks who care about making right the social inequities that exist in our communities are welcome!

The good intention of this group is to gather together non-targeted people (Men, White, Straight, US Born, etc.) to have a discussion and learn from one another how to support each other in being better allies to people of color, women, LGBTQ folks, foreign born and so on.

This is NOT about blame or shame, but rather getting together people who care to have an honest conversation and to turn that conversation into doing something about what is arguably the most important in issue in our country today.

This is NOT an attempt to exclude the folks we're here to support...on the contrary. If you desire and have something to teach us, you are welcome to join us. In general, this is an opportunity for those of us with access to more resources because of our 'privilege' to come together to do our work and grow without it being at the expense of our sisters, black and brown brothers, LGBTQ folk, foreign born citizens and more.

All folks who care about making right the social inequities that exist in our communities are welcome!