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What we’re about

How can we rebuild/repair the GOP/Conservative movement? Simple; we follow the template of Ronald Reagan,by far the best president of the 20th century-the man who stopped communism from taking over the world without a shot being fired and unleased decades of economic growth.
He ran for governor as an economic and social conservative, won and governed that way. The ensuing peace and prosperity lead to another term. He added a strong anti-communism foreign policy to the mix to get elected president in 2 landslides, and of of course, America flourished. Let's do it again!
This means we focus on principles, not personalities. Reagen's 11th commandmant was "Speak no ill will of a fellow Republican." Name-calling and insults was why we lost to possibly the worst presidential candidate ever. Love Trump, hate him...doesn't matter. Low taxes, cut spendind, less regulation...that's how we win.
Let's talk issues, support candidates, run for office, support primary winners or let our country be ruined forever.