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Re: [rlccef] Photo of group and single photos of county women in pageant..from papers

From: Curtis S.
Sent on: Friday, March 22, 2013, 9:41 AM
The Zumba lady's pic makes her look about 45.  You'll do great.  Wish I could be there.  

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Alice Kreitz <[address removed]> wrote:
Articles which were in local free newspapers.    Unfortunately, I've tried to copy the pictures, and can't seem to do that correctly, no matter what I put them in....firefox; word; photo premier... whatever... perhaps they are encrypted.   Not sure, but can't seem to copy.   Wanted the group pix.   Sr. Life has a nice write up too.   Never expected all this publicity.  Geez.    There are a couple women who honestly do not look as if they are 60 yrs. old. (especially the Zumba instructor).Shes in front of me in the group shot.     Oh well, its been an 'experience'.

Here are links:  
(Keep your fingers crossed for me on Sat. night and say a prayer).    Thanks very much. 

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