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FW: Common Core Policy Analysis

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 21, 2013, 5:13 AM

> Date: Wed, 21 Aug[masked]:20:12 -0400
> Subject: Common Core Policy Analysis
> From: [address removed]
> To:
> "This analysis of Florida's Common Core standards, though not exhaustive,
> is comprehensive in seven key areas addressing the concerns of parents,
> students, educators, and legislators. Questions such as the following have
> arisen: 1)
> Are these standards led by the federal government or state governments?
> 2) Are they voluntary or government mandated?
> 3) What is the extent of the data that will be collected on students and
> teachers, who stores it, and what is the purpose of it?
> These questions and many more will be answered through this carefully
> documented and constructed policy analysis of the Common Core standards.
> This analysis has been compiled, vetted, and it is being distributed by a
> consortium of over 50 nonpartisan state and national organizations that
> are addressing issues and concerns with the Common Core standards.
> The analysis has identified seven areas of the Common Core standards that
> are problematic to a free society"--Karen R. Effrem MD
> with Co-Author Randy Osborne
> Continue Reading at
> In Liberty,
> Andrew Nappi
> Florida Tenth Amendment Center
> [address removed]