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RLCCEF County Commission Candidates Forum - Don't Miss It!!!!

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Sunday, June 5, 2016, 2:33 PM
Greetings Members and Friends of the RLCCEF:

You DO NOT want to miss our Monday General Membership Meeting. Our COUNTY COMMISSION CANDIDATES FORUM is sure to be both informative and entertaining. Plus, you don't want to miss your chance to VOTE IN OUR STRAW POLL for the candidate of your choice in all three races. Kristine Isnardi will square off against Rob Medina and Terry LaPlante in district 5. Andrea Young and John Tobia will go at it in district 3. Micah Nix will represent in district 1. 

Come early for a good seat and bring your friends! This will be a good one! Social hour at 6:00. Meeting starts at 7:00. MeMaw's BBQ, 600 E. Eau Gallie Blvd. See you there!

In Liberty!

Bob White


Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida